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 ⊙ 产品详细说明

Supervision and control of oil or gas burners for use on industrial furnaces that operate continuously for longer periods of time (> 24 hours) without controlled shut-down.

  • For use on industrial furnaces

  • With self-supervising flame signal amplifier

  • Quick start-up

  • Single-stage operation with interrupted pilot burner or 2-stage operation

  • UV or ionization flame supervision

  • Common or separate ionization probe and ignition electrode (single- or double-electrode operation)

  • Automatic restart (repetition) or lock-out after loss of flame during operation

  • Without fan control and air pressure supervision

  • Indication of program sequence

  • Remote reset facility

  • Programming mechanism in plastic casing, plugs into the base

    LGI16.053A27 LGI16.053A17
AC 220...240 V AC 100...110 V
TSA 点火安全时间 5s 5s
tw 等待时间 4.5s 4.5s
tz 点火时间 2.5s 2.5s
t3 预点火时间 2.5s 2.5s
t4 端口1718的阀门开启到端口19的阀门开启的间隔时间 7.5s 7.5s
t5 点火阀门关闭到燃烧器正常工作阶段的间隔时间 2.5s 2.5s
t9 从主阀门打开到点火阀门关闭的点火时间 2.5s 2.5s
第二安全时间 3.5s 3.5s
t20 从正常工作位置回到启动阶段的时间 15s 15s
主电压 AC220V -15%...AC240V +10%
AC100V -15%...AC110V +10%
主频率 50...60Hz ±6%
外部保险丝 16A
内部保险丝 T6.3H250V to IEC 127
功率 3.5VA
重量 1000g
保护等级 IP40
运输环境 IEC 60 721-3-2
内部条件 class 2K2
温度范围 -50...+60ºC
机械条件 class 2M2
湿度 <95%
运行环境 IEC 60 721-3-3
内部条件 class 3K5
机械条件 class 3M2
温度范围 -20...+60ºC
湿度 <95%
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